Venus Flytrap

 Dionaea Muscipula 

The Venus Flytrap (AKA Dionaea Muscipula) is a mysterious and unique plant. This plant had been a mystery to scientists all over the globe- no one able to explain how, and why, it does what it does. Although they still have all the characteristics of normal plants, the Venus Flytrap is also able to get nutrients from insects. They do this by using their "traps." Inside these "traps" there are short, sensitive trigger hairs that when touched give a signal for the plant to snap it's "trap" closed. Also, the Venus flytrap is the only carnivorous plant capable of rapid plant movement, compared to the few carnivorous plants and few plants capable of rapid movement. (Video below is not accurate- the flytraps do not move to their prey- their prey comes to them, all they have to do is close their "mouths")